Service Dog Training

Personalized and Professional
and Tailored to your needs


Ask about our Easy Financing Program

Welcome to On Command K-9 Academy Service Dog Training Programs.

​A service animal is a dog that is specifically trained to perform a specific tasks for individuals who have disabilities.

There are many Service Dog tasks that can help individuals mitigate a disability. Listed below is just a few of those tasks that can be imprinted on your dog.

The tasks are categorized below, however dogs can be trained any tasks listed for any disability if that task would benefit the individual.


  • Retrieving Dropped Items
  • Retrieving Named Items (Phone, Keys, Leash)
  • Opening Doors
  • Closing Doors
  • Holding Doors Open So Handler Can Pass Through
  • Opening Door to Allow EMS Entry to Home
  • Opening Cabinets
  • Closing Cabinets
  • Opening Drawers
  • Closing Drawers
  • Opening Fridge
  • Closing Fridge
  • Tugging Clothing to Help With Removal (Outerwear, Socks)
  • Turning Lights On
  • Turning Lights Off
  • Deposit Garbage Into Can
  • Carry Mail From Mailbox to House


  • Nuzzling or Licking a Seizing Handler to Provide Tactile Interruption of a Seizure
  • Alerting Handler to Repetitive Motions or Stemming
  • Retrieving Medication From Designated Spot
  • Fetch a Beverage or Snack From Designated Spot
  • Bring Phone to Handler
  • Unload Groceries From Sacks
  • Put Laundry Into Washer or Dryer or Basket
  • Remove Laundry from Washer or Dryer or Basket
  • Pulling Wheelchair
  • Dragging Walker or Chair or Assistance Device to Handler
  • Dragging Baskets or Bags of Laundry via Tug Strap
  • Carrying Books or Supplies in a Backpack
  • Alerting Caretaker to Unconsciousness
  • Alerting Caretaker to Lack of Breathing
  • Alerting Caretaker to Alarms from Medical Equipment
  • Calling 911 or Designated Emergency Person via K9 Safety Phone or Bluetooth Text Device.
  • Draping Along Body of Handler to Assist With Temperature Regulation
  • Alerting Handler to Low Blood Sugar
  • Alerting Handler to High Blood Sugar
  • Alerting Handler or Caretaker to Presence of Deadly Allergen
  • Delivering Messages From Handler to Someone Else
  • Alerting to Metabolic Deterioration
  • et Items off Grocery Shelf
  • Place Items into Cart
  • Carry Items in a Bucket
  • Carry Bags in From Store
  • Pay For Items in a Store
  • Deliver Receipt From Cashier to Handler
  • Pull a Cord to Open Curtains


  • ​Assist a Handler With Position Changes
  • Assist Handler With Transfers from Chair to Couch
  • Assist Handler With Transfers from Bed to Feet / Chair
  • Assists Handler In and Out of Pool
  • Pull Blanket Up Once Handler is in Bed
  • Pull Blanket Off Once Handler is Ready to Get Up
  • Assist With Making Bed
  • Help Handler Into Bathtub or Shower
  • Help Handler Out of Bathtub or Shower
  • Provide Momentum Assistance
  • Help Pull Handler Up Slopes
  • Counterbalance
  • Bracing During Walking
  • Bracing During Balance Loss
  • Bracing Up or Down Stairs
  • Bracing To Help Fallen Handler Regain Feet
  • ushes Leaning Handler Back to Center
  • Push Button to Open Doors


  • Provide Medication Reminders
  • Lay Across Handler to Provide Deep Pressure Therapy During Panic Attacks
  • Provide Tactile Grounding Via Nuzzling or Licking.
  • Alert Handler to Episodes of Rage or Strong Emotion
  • Interrupt Repetitive Self Harm
  • Retrieve Self Care Kit
  • Wake Up Handler Having Nightmares
  • Interrupt Flashbacks
  • Search House
  • Stabilize Handler’s Routine


  • ​Tethering – prevents a child from running off while out in public
  • Deep Pressure Therapy
  • Tactile Stimulation
  • Interruption of self harm by nudging the person to reconnect to the here and the now
  • Tracking and Trailing / send the dog quickly to find a lost child with autism
  • Companionship to reduce stress
  • Exit alerts / dog alerts another family member that a child has with autism has left the house or has gotten out of bed during the night
  • Blocking / to set up a barrier for a child running toward a busy street or to herd the child back to safety.


​On Command K-9 Academy Service Dog Trainers all have medical backgrounds, with a clear understanding of how disabilities affects individuals as well as a combined 34 years of Service Dog Training. Disabilities can vary greatly and so do the task that these dogs are trained to perform.

​On Command K-9 Academy trained Service Dogs, come with some guarantees.

​On Command K-9 Academy guarantees the health of dogs placed and trained for 24 months after delivery from any genetic problems that would keep the service dog from performing work or tasks.

​On Command K-9 Academy also guarantees the dog’s temperament, that was not caused by or a direct result of being provoked or anything of similar nature.

A dog that is retired prior to the completion of training for tasks related inconsistencies.

​If a service dog was to be retired from service because of any of the listed reasons above, a replacement dog would be provided at no additional cost to our clients.

​On Command K-9 Academy purchases pure bred dogs from professional pet breeders around 8 weeks of age. All Service Dog puppies selected for our Service Dog Training program are tested for temperament and abilities prior to being selected into our program. All of our selected puppies come with a pedigree and registration papers.

​Service Dog Selection is not breed specific. Service Dogs can be of any sex, breed, or size, as long as the dog is large enough and physically able to perform the tasks or work required for assisting the individual.

​On Command K-9 Academy works closely with our clients when it comes to selecting the right service dog tailored to their individual needs.

Service Dogs can be trained to perform over 100 different tasks to assist with an individuals disability.


  1. A Documented Disability Diagnosis
  2. Call our Office at 417.438.0003 to schedule an in-person conference meeting with us to discuss your need for a service dog.
  3. Once a Decision is made to proceed we will go over the training contracts in detail.
  4. Once we enter into a contract we will proceed to a dog section for you or a family member. During this process we will be looking for a connection between the dog and recipient. This process is critical for the establishment of a successful service dog team.
  5. Once a dog selection has been made, the dog will be scheduled to begin training tailored and personalized to your individual needs.
  6. Training time for service dogs, from the time training begins to team certification can vary. Typically you can expect 6-15 months, depending on the tasks to be trained.
  7. A Training plan and Training Schedule will be discussed with you in detail during the contract acceptance phase of our program.
  8. Once the Service Dog and Recipient or a member of the recipient family (if the recipient is not going to be the one handling the dog) completes the training course a certification test will be provided by On Command K-9 Academy.


Think of Service Dog Training cost as investing into the future of someone that is very dear to you, someone that you love and want to see have the same opportunities in life to be successful regardless of disabilities. SERVICE DOGS ENABLE HOPE!!!.

​Why are Service dogs so expensive?

​The reason for the hefty price tag is the amount of time it takes to train a service dog not only to be obedient in every environment imaginable, like Public Transportation, Restaurants, the Grocery Stores and etc., but to perform specialized tasks or assistance for an individual within those same environments. This is a very long process in getting these dogs to a level of greatness.

​Service Dogs bring new opportunities and help in maintaining independence.

COST: $15,000.00

$7,500.00 Down / Remaining Balance Due upon Delivery of your Service Dog ($7,500.00)

NOTE: (Seizure Response and Diabetic Alert Dog Placement and Training Cost: $18,500.00)


​We also provide our training services for service dog training on dogs that you may already have possession of.

​For dogs provided by you we do not give a health or
temperament guarantee.


​FEE: $7,500.00

$3,750.00 down and the remaining balance due 6 months from the initial signing date of the contract ($3,750.00)

NOTE: (Seizure Response and Diabetic Alert Dog Training Cost: $10,500.00)

On Command K-9 Academy trains dogs for the family